Glastonbury and Cornwall, UK

May 12-24, 2019


You are an embodiment of Divine Love and Sacred Illumination.

Awaken to your true nature.



Dear Sisters and Brothers of Avalon,

Is Avalon calling you home to a holy remembrance of your luminous light and pure divine essence? Please join us for a magical pilgrimage to the sacred British Isles–the heart chakra of Mother Gaia–as we journey to the enchanted land of Avalon. Here, where the veils are thin and the whispers of Spirit sing us home, we will awaken our ancient roots, activate the divine light codes imprinted in our hearts, and claim our purpose as vessels of illumination and embodiments of love.
Walk with us in the Way of Love as we follow in the footsteps of the Magdalene and the Priestesses of Avalon who traveled this path before us. Return to the temple of your brave, tender heart where you will find your radiance, splendor, and sacred sovereignty.
In this pivotal shifting of the ages, we must summon the powers of unconditional love and divine grace to create a new world of peace, harmony, and balance that honors both the divine feminine and masculine within us all.
Come, dear sisters and brothers, do you hear the call? The Spirit of Avalon welcomes us home. The Mother embraces us with loving arms. It is time to return to the magnificent power of our holy hearts. It is time to embody higher consciousness, divine union, unconditional love, and sacred joy.
The new world celebrates our awakening.

To discover more and register for this magical pilgrimage, you can access the glorious invitation HERE.

We’d love for you to join us for this extraordinary journey of deep remembering and sacred homecoming.


Katherine, Lina, and Brad


Love is the only prayer I know.

Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Mists of Avalon