with Katherine Witteman and Lina Berntsen

Orcas Island, Washington

July 20-26, 2016

Wisdom Teachings + Painting = Alchemical Magic

Your healing task is not to become a new, improved, or changed person.
Rather, it is to reclaim your natural and essential self in all its fullness.
In the very beginning you remembered yourself.
You came into the world with feelings of omnipotence.
~Patricia Lynn Reilly
Dear One,
The shamans of old were masters of the ways of Spirit. They walked the earth with an embodied power, born of knowing their sacred connection to the great web of life and the infinite Mystery. They understood that the visible world is only a small sliver of reality, an illusory dream from which we must awaken in order to embrace the grander truth of our essential nature. Many of us have walked the shamanic path and harbor deep in our souls an ancient, magical knowing that lets us see beyond the world of form into the Great Mystery.


Listen, Dear One.


Do you hear the dumbest of the ancestors calling you home?

Do you feel a stirring in your soul, a longing to reawaken your ancient wisdom and embody your true power?

Are you ready to reclaim your essential nature in all its fullness?

If so, please join us this summer on beautiful Orcas Island for our magical 5-day retreat.


Click the link below to read more.