Divine Feminine
Great Mother, Goddesses, Saints, Angels, and Muses
Katherine’s heart lights up the world. She is a majestic mystic and a gifted artist who creates high-vibrational paintings for expansive consciousness. Katherine’s luminous paintings radiate exquisite beauty and pure love. They create a deep, felt sense of serenity, peace, and joy.
~Jennifer Bowers
Katherine’s paintings radiate such a high energetic frequency that I receive a healing when I just glance at them. I have never experienced anything close to it. The vibration is so high and so clearly channeled from the divine realms as a gift and blessing for the world.
~Teresa Kaplan
*Please click on each image for a full view*
Mystical Mandalas: Portals to the Sacred
Katherine’s mandalas are divinely inspired portals into the heart of Love’s greatest gifts! They take you exactly where your soul longs and needs to go.
Brilliant, beautiful, breathtaking.
~Pauline Elice Reif
*Please click on each image for a full view*
If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.

For as long as I can remember, art has been my sanctuary, my safe haven giving me the strength and shelter necessary to see the inexplicable beauty and irrepressible joy in the world even in the midst suffering and violence. Art reveals to me secret kingdoms overflowing with wondrous and infinite possibility. It opens portals to profound healing and transcendent grace. Creating art deeply connects me to my voice, my heart, and the Divine.
Art saves me.
And because I know to the center of my soul that art offers all these gifts and more, I paint not only for myself, but for you, too. For me, making art is a sacred practice connecting me to all that is most holy in myself and the Universe. Each brushstroke is a prayer. Each painting a blessing. Each offering an act of devotion.
Blessings on your journey home, Dear One. May it light your heart with joy.
My Creative Process
I am a poet, writer, photographer, and painter. A life-long art lover, all forms of creative expression delight me, but it is the catalytic and captivating power of Intentional Creativity that enchants my soul and holds my heart. Developed by rebel visionaries and master artists, Shiloh Sophia McCloud and Sue Hoya Sellars, this transformational method of intuitive painting is magical.

The painting process requires the cultivation of intuition, deep listening, and trust in the creative process. It is a joyful journey of self-discovery and a courageous dive into the Mystery. I often lose all sense of time and self when I paint. When I invite the Divine to flow through me, I am frequently astonished by the images that reveal themselves through the magic portal of my canvas, as if they emerge from an ancient and sacred source deep within the secret heart of the universe.
May the light of your soul guide you.
John O’Donohue